ATIKA’s Creative Spotlight is a new feature on our blog and social channels aiming to showcase all the wonderful talent that's currently emerging. First up: Amelia Sonsino.

Amelia Sonsino is a London based photographer known for her love of all things queer and quirky. Her dark yet playful technique has lead her to work with the likes of Gay Times, Slippage Magazine, Dazed and Feroce Magazine to name but a few. We spoke to her about her creative journey so far and how she sees the industry today.

You can follow her on Instagram here: 

  • How did you first get into photography?

My dad has always been into videography and photography so he was always filming our family holidays/trips and somehow I would end up with his camera and shoot random stuff all day. I remember him telling me I had an eye for creativity.

When I left school that's when I studied photography at Bedford College for 2 years and came away with 2 distinctions. Being creative and dancing helped me express myself and helped me feel like I had a purpose.

  • Do you prefer shooting film or digital?

I love shooting both to be honest, it's so hard to choose! I always love the digital outcomes and editing them. The wide angle lens I use is amazing to create weird and wonderful shapes but something about film and the process is beautiful, so I usually prefer the film shots. 

  • What has been your favourite shoot to date?

I am in love with 'The Buff Games' project I shot in January 2020. I'm obsessed with the styling, casting and concept. The project was conceptualised by a fellow student Ella Aldersey-Williams (@ellaallderseywilliams) who I know will become an amazing creative one day.

You can access the article here: 

  • Who are your favourite photographers?

Some of my favourite photographers are

  1. The London Vagabond (

  2. Heather Glazzard (@heather_glazzard)

  3. Luiso Acosta (@sweetnoisefilm)

  • Do you think it’s important to reflect yourself within your work?

I think yes but not always!

  • You work a lot with the queer community, do you see this channelling into popular culture?

1000000% and it's already started with things like Ru Pauls drag race. I just hope people can understand the struggle that the queer community went through and appreciate that it wasn't always like this - and in many places there's still so much work to do. So many things in everyday life are inspired by queer people or created by queer people already so I can only see this happening more in the future!

  • What would be your best advice to someone wanting to start out as a photographer?

I would say make to make a mind map (I love a mind map) and write everything down that they're interested in. It could even include objects, food or clothing. Then from there, put together a little photoshoot, it doesn't even need to have people. Just play around with lighting, shadows, objects and see what you enjoy doing! 

Be open to doing free work and offering your help to teams of creatives, model agencies and magazines. Build your contacts, write them down and learn about who you want to be as a photographer whether you have a niche or you're an all-rounder.

Being a creative and doing photography is a journey so don't rush it!

To see more of my published work head to my linktree:
