ATIKA London

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Our Team Handmake Face Masks and Scrunchies With Donations From Each Purchase Going To Sistah Space

Each month here at ATIKA, our team are making facemasks and scrunchies for our shop floor using vintage and remnant fabric. Waste not want not as the saying goes (sorry had to!) Each month, £1 from each purchase will be going to charities we feel passionate about. Last month your donations went to our previous project friend Safehouse London. A social enterprise dedicated to educate, entertain and elevate hearts and mindsets of young people in London.

This month, £1 from each purchase will be going towards Sistah Space. A non-profit initiative created to support African & Caribbean heritage Women & Girls affected by domestic and sexual abuse. During lockdown, domestic abuse calls to the police surged by more than a tenth in London. Please do check out their Instagram and support where you can.

Our facemasks and scrunchies are handmade here at the front of our store and on select days can be made by our team while you wait!